Explosion Simulator Roblox

This nuclear explosion simulator shows just how screwed wed be if russia dropped another tsar bomba digg. Nuclear bomb simulator program this is the third installment of the nuclear detonation simulator by alex wellerstein. 3 click ok once youve successfully installed roblox. The Concorde is a small and fast Airliner. The Concorde is a supersonic aircraft found in the airliner section of the plane spawn. It is relatively small, but it is very popular due to its incredible speed as an airliner and real life fame. The Concorde requires group access to spawn. The Concorde takes a relatively long amount of time to reach its top speed due to its average acceleration.

Roblox Simulator Kit

Apr 9th, 2018
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Explosion Simulator Roblox Code

  1. local Tool = Instance.new('HopperBin', game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack)
  2. local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  3. if Tool.Active true then
  4. explosion.BlastPressure = 1000000
  5. explosion.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 1
  6. explosion.Parent = game.Workspace
  7. explosion.Hit:connect(function(Part, Distance)
  8. Part:BreakJoints()
  9. end
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